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Join the fight for accessible and affordable testing! We'll keep this page updated with current actions, theme days and other campaigns, contact information, templates, graphics, and more!

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Threats and intimidation are never okay. Please read our activism guide and always remember to be polite and respectful!

hashtag iconPost on Social Media

Use our hashtags, #PeopleOverProfits and #TimeFor5.

Tag @DanaherCorp and @CepheidNews on Twitter, @DanaherCorporation on Instagram and Threads, and comment on their Facebook and LinkedIn posts.

Social media templates

email iconEmail Danaher's Leadership


Email templates

phone iconCall Danaher's Corporate Office

US Phone Number: +1-202-828-0850

Templates and tips International numbers

several envelopes iconWrite a letter to Danaher’s Board

Guide and templates Mailing request

Fax IconFax Danaher

Tell Danaher and Cepheid to put #PeopleOverProfits, and fax some facts! Fax important TB facts to their office at +1 408-541-4192. Check out the Faxing Guide for resources to help with sending and writing your fax!

megaphone iconSpread the Word About TB

Educate and inform others on the worldwide impact of tuberculosis - the world's deadliest infectious disease, but one many people assume is a thing of the past. Learn more on our resource page below.

Resource page

gavel iconSupport Legislative and Government Action

U.S. residents: Ask your representative to support The End Tuberculosis Now Act 2023.

U.K. residents: Send a letter to your MP to ask they ensure the UK-India Free Trade Agreement still allows for the manufacture of generic drugs in India, including TB drugs. Learn more about the FTA and view a letter template

Graphics and Templates

Some ready-made posts:

Dave Green


People are dying undiagnosed and untreated every day for more than a year while @DanaherCorp ignores their promise to release an audit. It’s #TimeFor5

Click to tweet
Dave Green


It’s #TimeFor5, @DanaherCorp and it’s time for you to release that audit! It’s been over a year since you promised to release one! ⏰

Click to tweet
Dave Green


.@DanaherCorp promised to release an audit of the cost to produce their life-saving tests, but a year later they still haven’t released it! #PeopleOverProfits

Click to tweet

And some of our most popular social media graphics:

A desk with various office equipment and a post-it note. Crossed out on the note: Adjust tuberculosis test pricing. Underneath that: Publish audit results. Captioned: Some things are easy to forget. Here is your reminder. “Xpert Tests. Diagnose Tuberculosis, HIV, Hepatitis, and Ebola”. A deconstructed Xpert cartridge, with text on either side. On the right side: “Costs Cepheid/Danaher $3-$4.50 to produce” on the left side: “They charge $10-$20” “It’s been a year since Danaher promised an audit of their production cost. We’re still waiting.” Does Public Pressure Work? Yes! Back in September, MSF Access launched a public pressure campaign with thousands of people phoning, emailing, and posting. 6 days later Danaher reduces the price of their standard TB cartridges to $8. This one price reduction will save an estimated $32 million annually and allow millions more people to get tested for TB every year. Imagine how many lives could be saved if all of their tests were reduced to $5 each 10 stick figures, with three falling away. 3 in 10 people with TB never diagnosed. TBFighters.org. Intro to Time for $5. Why $5? Xpert cartridges are estimated to cost as little as $3 to produce. Danaher sells their tests at prices ranging from $8-20 per cartridge. A price of $5 would allow lifesaving tests to reach more people with Danaher still able to make a fair profit. Danaher, it’s time for 5. TBFIGHTERS.ORG. 10 stick figures are placed horizontally at the left side on a white background. The first 7 are black and the last three are red. Written next to the black ones, also in black: There are 10 million cases of tuberculosis every single year. In red, next to the last three: 3 million of them are never diagnosed. Footer: Danaher, it’s time for $5. Learn more at tbfighters.org Danaher, it’s time for $5. Tuberculosis is curable, yet 1.3 million people die of TB every year while Danaher grossly overcharges for diagnostic tests for the people who can least afford it. The footer is: TBFIGHTERS.ORG. An hourglass with red sand and “TB” in the top section.

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