Contacting Your Representative

If you are a U.S. resident, go here to find your house representative and how to contact them. Below are phone and email scripts and some key information about the bill.

Partners in Health have created tools to help with contacting your Representative! Use this website to quickly and easily call your Representative and go here to email your Representative with one click.

Key Information


Phone Script

Hello, my name is [Name] and I am a resident of [District]. I am calling to ask you to help pass the End Tuberculosis Now Act. The Senate just passed their companion bill via unanimous consent - and we are urging the House Leadership to put this bill on the suspension calendar for a vote as soon as possible.

Despite being both preventable and curable, tuberculosis remains one of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases. According to the WHO, gaps in funding leave millions of people in low-and middle-income countries with inadequate access to treatments. The End TB Now Act will allocate funding where it is most needed in the fight against tuberculosis.

In 2022, 1.3 million people died of TB. I urge you to prevent needless death and suffering by supporting the End TB Now Act.

Tips for Social Anxiety When Calling

  1. Your anxiety is real, and even if it's not logical to be afraid of calling you are, and no one can or should deny that.
  2. It may be helpful to prepare a script to read directly from, or at least plan out what to say. It doesn't have to be as long as the one here.
  3. What to expect
    1. For the 202 number, wait for the operator to pick up and just start talking. If they don't pick up you'll probably be given the option to leave a voicemail.
  4. If you have questions or need moral support, Nerdfighteria is happy to help <3

Email Script

To [insert Representative here]

As your constituent and a global health advocate, I urge you to support the bipartisan End Tuberculosis Now Act (H.R.1776) being led by Reps. Bera and Salazar. The Senate just passed their companion bill via unanimous consent - and we are urging the House Leadership to put this bill on the suspension calendar for a vote as soon as possible.

Even though TB is a preventable, treatable, and curable infection, it kills more than 1.4 million people a year. TB also continues to be the leading cause of death among people living with HIV/AIDS. The failure to diagnose and treat TB exacerbates multi-drug resistant TB, which remains a public health crisis and a threat to the global economy.

H.R.1776 aims to refocus U.S. actions on prevention, address virulent drug-resistant TB strains, and provide support for the best practices and technologies in TB diagnosis and treatment. The bill establishes new goals for U.S. efforts and employs prevention and treatment suggestions based on the latest scientific data, while also increasing accountability and transparency.

Since the bill has already passed the full Senate and the House Foreign Affairs Committee, we just need one last push to the House floor. I urge you to co-sponsor H.R.1776 and to speak to leadership about its swift passage.

Thank you,

[Your Name]