Email Templates

Send emails to Danaher at

Option 1


I’m reaching out to you out of concern for the millions of people living with dangerous diseases who do not receive a diagnosis. Your GeneXpert machines can diagnose Ebola, HIV, extensively drug-resistant TB, hepatitis, and many common sexually transmitted infections, but they are out of reach to the people who need them most because of unreasonably high prices.

Independent research has shown that you can make a fair profit at $5 per test, which would allow governments and organizations to scale up testing. These tests currently cost $15-$20, which is too expensive for many who need them. Millions of people continue to die of treatable diseases and your tests could help change that.

In September of last year, you made a commitment to have the actual cost of your MTR/RIF Xpert cartridges validated with a third-party assessment, and to release these results publicly. Over a year later, this still has not happened, and you have ignored deadlines set by the people interested in increasing access to your crucial tests. All research available continues to show that your tests are sold for far above the cost to produce them.

I urge you to show your commitment to putting people over profits by fulfilling your promise to annually audit TB test prices. Please release this audit immediately to help save lives.


[Your name]

Option 2

Danaher Team,

I’m reaching out on behalf of the millions of people who have died in recent years from misdiagnosed HIV, Ebola, hepatitis, and countless other diseases, including multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. I was relieved to find out last year that you agreed to reduce the price of your lifesaving MTR/RIF Xpert cartridges, allowing people to have access to these lifesaving diagnoses.

Alongside this, you promised to fund an independent and publicly available audit of the production costs and profit margins for the MTR/RIF Xpert cartridges. A year later, this data still has not been disclosed. Independent analysis has shown that you could afford to price these tests at $5 while making a healthy profit, and yet you inexplicably price with a 60% to 300% markup at the expense of human lives.

I’m writing to compel you to release the results of this audit immediately. You have ignored the deadlines set by people interested in increasing access to your tests, despite the fact that these tests are critical to the worldwide fight against tuberculosis, and I hope you will keep your word and do your part in that struggle. In the time that it took to compose this message, around 70 people died of TB. These deaths were preventable, and you can help prevent them.


[Your Name]

Phone Call Script

Danaher's US number is +1-202-828-0850 and their UK number is +44 1628 564 000. Additional numbers around the world can be found using Cepheid's Contact Page.

Hello, my name is [Name] and I'm calling about your GeneXpert machine. Xpert test cartridges are sold for $8-$20, even though all available information and independent evaluations have suggested they can be sold for $5 and still leave a fair profit margin. This pricing scheme blocks access and hinders the fight against these diseases, leading to unnecessary deaths.

Over a year ago, your company committed to funding an independent audit of the manufacturing prices for your MTB/RIF cartridges. Even though you promised that the results of this audit would be released publicly, it still hasn't happened.

I’m calling to ask that you do the right thing and release the results of an independent audit now.

Thank you.

Tips for Social Anxiety When Calling

  1. Your anxiety is real, and even if it's not logical to be afraid of calling you are, and no one can or should deny that.
  2. It may be helpful to prepare a script to read directly from, or at least plan out what to say. It doesn't have to be as long as the one here.
  3. What to expect:
    1. For the 202 number, wait for the operator to pick up and just start talking. If they don't pick up you'll probably be given the option to leave a voicemail.
  4. If you have questions or need moral support, Nerdfighteria is happy to help <3

Letter Guide

Want another way to contact Danaher? Send them a letter! Check out the Letter Guide for help writing and sending your letter, or submit your letter to our Google Sheet to get it sent for you.

Letter Guide Letter Service