TBFighters Hill Day

Fight TB in Washington, D.C.

The US Capitol building with the sun behind it and the TBFighter hourglass next to it.

What is it?

The TBFighters Hill Day will be a day where TBFighters, along with our partners in TB advocacy (PIH Engage, the TB Roundtable, and We Are TB), get to advocate for more TB funding directly to our representatives on Capitol Hill. We will go in small groups to meet our representatives and ask them directly to increase TB funding domestically and globally.

A blue speech bubble coming from the left with a tuberculosis graphic on it and a green bubble coming from the righ with a dollar sign on it.
The US Capitol Building with a pin marker above it.

Where is it?

Washington DC on April 8-9th, 2025! PIH will provide us with a space for training and community building. The meetings themselves will take place at the Capitol building. If you’re not able to make the trip, you can also meet virtually with your representatives — more info on this to come in our emails to those who have signed up for Hill Day and the training sessions in the lead-up to Hill Day!

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Why does it matter?

A major obstacle in the fight against TB is funding. Within the United States, funding for the CDC’s Division of Tuberculosis Elimination has declined by about 60% since 1994 when adjusted for inflation. On a global level, the UN has a goal of $22 billion per year to fight TB, of which only $5.8 billion was available in 2022. We need much more funding both in the USA and abroad to implement proven methods: at-risk community outreach, contact tracing, and effective treatment with accompanying social support.

That’s where we come in. Directly lobbying our representatives, especially in large groups, can have a massive effect! Advocating in person is even more effective than phone calls and emails because it shows just how deeply we care about this cause.

Three people standing on pill bottles, the first one is red and the pill bottle is empty. The last to are blue and the pill bottles are full.

How do I get ready?

Partners in Health will give you all the training you need to show up to Congress ready to sit down with your representatives and let them know why TB is so important to you. Most of this training will occur remotely, in the months leading up to the event, in the form of webinars hosted by PIH.

Even if you can’t attend the Hill Day itself, you can participate in advocacy through these workshops! During these sessions, we will be calling, emailing, and filling out appropriations forms to make sure TB is already on our representatives’ minds. The webinars will also be a great opportunity to learn from PIH experts and meet other TBFighters.

In the meantime, you can always contact your representatives and senators about ending TB! Learn more below:

Contact your representatives and senators


Who can participate?
Any US resident can schedule a meeting with their congressperson! Note that if you are under 18 you must have an adult guardian with you for the trip to DC.